12 Tips for Managing Hyperthyroidism Palpitations


12 Tips to Manage your Palpitations- Basic Life Style Suggestions

Palpitations are probably one of the worst symptoms of Grave’s Disease, not to mention Thyroid Eye Disease. Hyperthyroidism Palpitations usually strike when you are resting, but not always. When they come you panic, probably feel urged to do things, and move. But should be doing exactly the opposite. Hyperthyroidism palpitations are still manageable and controllable, with or without beta- blockers. Beta- blockers are usually prescribed by doctors to treat anxiety and in severe cases, you should take them as prescribed, but here I’ll give a few other tips that can help you calm down and manage your hyperthyroidism palpitations.

For the purpose of this writing, I will assume that you are working full time, with family and kids. That probably is the worst case scenario, because you have to take care of so many things, many of them even out of your control, I know it from personal experience. So here we go:

  1. Morning: if you have to get up at let’s say at 7 a.m. set your alarm clock (not cell) 15 or more minutes earlier. Take your time to wake up completely and stretch, don’t just run out of bed. This is important to keep your stress levels down starting in the morning. If you can, I would also advise you to buy one of these natural sunlight alarm clocks. I am not suggesting any particular company, but they can be found for app. $40.  They are worth the investment.
  2. So now, open your eyes and tell me what you see in your bedroom? Whatever you see must be pleasing to your eyes. Clean up messy bedrooms as the energy there is stuck, move out all TVs, computers, cell phones or any other technical machines. You don’t need them but they literally bathe you with electricity and interfere with your sleep.
  3. Look around your bedroom again- what colors are prevailing? For now, I would advise you to stick with light green, light blue, light purple. I am not going into details why there is an article on my website especially about color (chromotherapy). And yes, it does matter.
  4. Go on with your usual routine. If you are drinking coffee, substitute with decaffeinated. If you drink tea- let this be Lemon Balm tea or Chamomile tea. Or Nettle tea. Nettle tea can be bottled, refrigerated and drank instead of water. I highly advise you to do so as it nourishes the adrenal glands like no other herb. I make 2 bottles with Nettle tea, refrigerate them (you don’t have to) but it just tastes better for me. Tea must be fresh for the day. No Green tea, no black or grey. Forget about this for a while. No sugar or artificial sweeteners, you are only allowed, honey.
  5. On your way to work, if you stay in traffic for an hour, turn off that radio and put some classic or calming music, whatever you prefer. If you don’t have a CD player, just stay in silence. If you travel in a public transportation- isolate yourself with iPod with that same music I mentioned above, and close your eyes. You don’t have to look at all these already nervous, anxious and frustrated people. It is contagious.
  6. At work: Limit your activities to the minimum required by your job. No overdoing, no multitasking, it’s not the time for that. If a colleague gets on your nerves, just walk away. If you are given tasks that will additionally frustrate you don’t be scared to talk with the manager and supervisor and explain your situation. They are all people and in most of the cases will understand.
  7. Breaks: take them, there is a purpose for them. Lunch break- go for a walk or just isolate yourself in some private place and put your iPod on. Zone out. Do not engage yourself in meaningless conversations, or online shopping. Get off this computer. Eat slowly, take your time. No sodas, no coke, nothing that contains aspartame, because it affects hyperthyroidism palpitations. What you should eat and diet is another topic. On your way home: same as above. Do not try to kill your time in traffic talking to people on the phone. Deep breathing. It is proven it is the best way to kill stress.
  8. When you get home, before starting your second full-time job with the family- cooking, cleaning, homework, etc. just lie down, dear, lie down and close your eyes for about 30 minutes. Everything else can wait. This is your time to recover. Most of our problems come from chronic exhaustion, nothing else. Depression, anxiety, you name it, is usually due to chronic fatigue and tiredness, or at least one of the reasons. After this 30 min, you can go back to your usual routine.
  9. lemon balmSleep– you must spend at least 8 hours in your bed (resting and sleeping). If you go to sleep usually around 11, that means you must be in bed at least 1 hour earlier. Drink a cup of Lemon Balm or Valerian Roots tea, a glass of wine is allowed too if you prefer, or warm milk with a spoon of honey. No TV, but you can watch movies (not in bed though). Avoid excessive noise, it hurts.
  10. On Sundays, sit down and write 3 things that you love doing: massage, reading, movies, knitting, dancing, and scrap booking,  your choice. And put them in your schedule for the next week. Make sure that they are your priority.
  11. Take frequent walks in nature, which helps a lot. Do meditation, regularly 15- 25 min (I mean every single day). I suggest no treadmills, no running, and no aerobics type exercises- you can do them another time. I did not list these activities in the above routine but you can make some space and time for them in your schedule. 

This is the most simplified version of a recovery routine to manage palpitations. Do it for 2 weeks and let me know how you feel. You’ll see results,  I guarantee you.
