Graves’ Disease Treatment Options

How to Heal Graves’ Disease Naturally?

How to heal Graves Disease naturally? 7 Tips and Methods I perfectly know how you feel, because as you know I have been there and I have experienced all the things you are experiencing right now. I feel your pain, and sorrow, and desperation. Even though I don’t know your names or any  other information about you  I …

How to Heal Graves’ Disease Naturally?

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L Carnitine for Hyperthyroidism

L- Carnitine for Hyperthyroidism. The Supplement with Drastic Results for hyperthyroid patients The first studies published in the modern literature on the effects of L carnitine for hyperthyroidism came from post-war Germany in 1959, with the observation that L-carnitine had an impact on the hyper-functioning thyroid. Three years later the same researchers reported on the …

L Carnitine for Hyperthyroidism

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Radioactive Iodine Treatment (RAI) for Hyperthyroidism? Is this for you?

 by Svetla Bankova Radioactive Iodine Treatment (RAI) is one of the most popular (and world wide recommended treatments) for Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism. The debates whether it is helpful or not, dangerous or not, preferable or not, have been going on for decades. But why doctors in some parts of the world are not so …

Radioactive Iodine Treatment (RAI) for Hyperthyroidism? Is this for you?

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Graves Disease Stress Management

Graves Disease Stress Management by Svetla Bankova As we all ready heard from our GP or family practitioner, or endocrinologist- factors that cause Graves’ Disease are unknown- at least to the scientists. However they all seems to agree that stress is one of the major factors that triggers this disease, even though they can not …

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Herbal Treatment for Hyperthyroidism

Herbal treatment for hyperthyroidism. The 3 most  important herbs. by Svetla Bankova People for centuries are looking for herbs to help their ailments. When the traditional medicine can not help, or causes more harm than cure, then people turn back to the ancient herbal treatment. There are in fact many herbs, that can positively influence …

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Alternative Therapy for Graves Disease. Color Therapy.

Alternative Therapy for Graves Disease. Color Therapy (Chromotherapy) for Hyperthyroidism by Svetla Bankova Blue Color for Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism The effects of color on our moods, health and way of thinking have been studied by scientists for years. Even an individual preference of one color over another may be related to the way that …

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Aromatherapy for Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism

Graves’ Disease Aromatherapy 10 spiritually uplifting and calming scents you can use to help  Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism Aromatherapy for Graves’ Disease is practically the use of pure essential oils to enhance physical and mental well- being. Essential oils are aromatic, highly concentrated distilled essences of plants. They can sometimes be used as a natural …

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Natural Remedies for Hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease

Natural Remedies for Hyperthyroidism. Healing Properties of Aloe Vera The Secret Leading Cause of “Disease” Solved Did you know that nearly every known dis-ease is caused from inflammation? Including our Hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease, not to mention Thyroid Eye Disease… It just so happens that the ancient Aloe Vera plant, which I am a big …

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