Health Coaching

The Happiness Factor, Your Self-Esteem and Thyroid Disorders

I’ve been a “thyroid traveler” in the “thyroid world” for more than 13 years. During my long “thyroid journey”, I came to realize how many factors play a significant role not only in our thyroid sickness but also in our thyroid healing.   I’ve found that our environment (social, family and work) has a tremendous role for the …

The Happiness Factor, Your Self-Esteem and Thyroid Disorders

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Can unhappiness make people sick?

Your Thyroid and Emotional Health by Svetla Bankova (P.S. For the purposes of this writing, I would define unhappiness in a few different ways, including, but not limited to: strong dislike of your job, marriage or relationship, constantly worrying about money, living in resentment, lack of enjoyable hobbies, anxious and “wandering” mind, loneliness, tolerating chronic …

Can unhappiness make people sick?

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Living with Graves Disease II

Living with Graves Disease: 4 Quick Life Style Changes for Better Health and Better Life  Watch your thoughts, they become words; Watch your words, they become actions; Watch your actions, they become habits; Watch your habits, they become character; Watch your character, it becomes your destiny! Author Unknown Let me tell you why I think the above is true. …

Living with Graves Disease II

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Wellness and Health Coaching for Graves’ Disease

Wellness and Health Coaching for people suffering from Thyroid Disorders by Svetla Bankova If you were diagnosed with a thyroid condition, or you just left the doctors office with your brand new diagnose, or you already had that for a few months and it’s not getting any better at all? Scenarios may be all different… …

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Thyroid Patient Stories- 10 Why’s of a Difficult Thyroid Patient

Why #1:  If I wasn’t a difficult patient- I wouldn’t be  talking to you right now, or you even been able to read this article. Or many other thyroid patient stories, for that matter. Many years ago when I got sick with hyperthyroidism I literally had to fight for my treatment options, even though I …

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