Mental Aspects Graves’ Disease

Graves’ Disease mental symptoms

7 strategies on how to deal with  your negative emotions (and Graves’ Disease mental symptoms) Graves’ disease (or any thyroid disorder for that matter), as we all know, come with a nice set of mental symptoms like irritability, emotional liability, nervousness, restlessness, depression, anxiety and worrying, to name a few… It’s a well-known psychological fact that emotions …

Graves’ Disease mental symptoms

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The Happiness Factor, Your Self-Esteem and Thyroid Disorders

I’ve been a “thyroid traveler” in the “thyroid world” for more than 13 years. During my long “thyroid journey”, I came to realize how many factors play a significant role not only in our thyroid sickness but also in our thyroid healing.   I’ve found that our environment (social, family and work) has a tremendous role for the …

The Happiness Factor, Your Self-Esteem and Thyroid Disorders

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Can unhappiness make people sick?

Your Thyroid and Emotional Health by Svetla Bankova (P.S. For the purposes of this writing, I would define unhappiness in a few different ways, including, but not limited to: strong dislike of your job, marriage or relationship, constantly worrying about money, living in resentment, lack of enjoyable hobbies, anxious and “wandering” mind, loneliness, tolerating chronic …

Can unhappiness make people sick?

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Mental versus Physical Disorders treatment

How are you treated from Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism? Mental disorders versus physical disorders treatment and what’s the difference? Any mental disorder is considered “abnormal” functioning of cognition, mood, emotions or behavior. “Abnormal” means out of the norm established by the majority of people. Abnormal is characterized by the 4 D’s- deviation, distress, dysfunction and …

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Graves’ Disease & Remission. How to stay there forever!

Graves’ Disease and how to stay in remission by Svetla Bankova By the time you are reading this article, I hope very much that you don’t have Graves’ Disease or Hyperthyroidism anymore. I really hope that you achieved a Graves’ Disease remission, forever. This is my dearest wish.  So how you manage to stay in …

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How to Heal Graves’ Disease Naturally?

How to heal Graves Disease naturally? 7 Tips and Methods I perfectly know how you feel, because as you know I have been there and I have experienced all the things you are experiencing right now. I feel your pain, and sorrow, and desperation. Even though I don’t know your names or any  other information about you  I …

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Graves’ Disease- A Missed Call for Love?

Hyperthyroidism & Emotions Graves’ Disease- A Missed Call for Love? Despite recent advances in diagnostic procedures and the development of new techniques for removing or damping down the function of the thyroid gland, the enigma of Graves’ disease remains unsolved. Why the thyroid starts functioning abnormally, why antithyroid medication can succeed in damping down the …

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Graves’ Disease Mental Health

Graves’ Disease Mental Health. Emotional Aspects of Hyperthyroidism. The relationship between psychiatry and thyroid dysfunction has attracted a good deal of attention for the following reasons: Thyroid disorders, such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, can be accompanied by prominent mental abnormalities. Thyroid hormones have been used in the treatment of certain psychiatric conditions. Some drugs used …

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5 Myths About Graves Disease and Hyperthyroidism

Myth #1: If you don’t do anything, Graves’ Disease will go away. How about I just pray? Wrong: If you don’t do anything you may face a thyroid storm, which is a very dangerous, life threatening condition. Symptoms include, but are not limited to:  high fever, severe palpitations, vomiting, delirium etc. – all of them …

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