Thank you for your registration!


The Next Thyroid TeleWorkshop will take place on:

02/19/2014, Wednesday at 2 pm EST

We’ll discuss:

“5 easy steps to jump start your healing!”

Please, make sure that you have pen and paper and you are ready to work, think and be creative!

The call will be approximately 1 hour, and I’ll do my best to record it so we can listen later.  If you get a busy signal, that means the room is full, or too many people dialing at the same time. Try again later.

Please, use the World Clock to convert for your time zone. Click on the link below and check your time.
Some housekeeping here: Announce yourself when you enter the “chat room”- name and country will be Ok. Ask specific questions, and if you know the answers of a question somebody asks, feel free to answer. It’s a free sharing information/ experience and stories. Keep it short and to the point.
All participants- after dialing the ph# for your country, you will be prompt to dial an access code. 

 The ph # for USA  is: +1 559-546-1301

 Access code for all participants, anywhere in the world: 361459 #

For all other countries, please check below:

Conference times 








See you at the call!:)

